Memorialize a Loved One


Each year, people we know and love pass away, but our memories and their legacies remain with us. The Book of Memory is a permanent memorial established in 1967 to serve as a historic record and keep alive the memory of a loved one or acquaintance. The names of deceased are professionally inscribed in the memorial book, which is prominently displayed at the Salem Public Library. The virtual Book of Memory may be found through the Memorial link of the Salem Community Foundation’s website.

To memorialize a loved one in the Book of Memory, please send your tax-deductible donation of $25 or more, along with their birth and death date to the Salem Community Foundation, PO Box 553, Salem. Memorial gifts, unless otherwise directed to a specific fund, are added to the Salem Community Foundation’s Memorial Fund. Contributions to the Memorial Fund ensure that those who have left lasting impressions on our lives will forever be remembered through grants and scholarships.


Click HERE for Memorial Contribution Form (Adobe PDF Document)




Recent Memorials Since January 2025 (1)

DEBORAH D CAPPA - 1956 - 2025


Tax Deductible Contributions May Be Mailed To:

Salem Community Foundation
PO Box 553
Salem, Ohio 44460

Phone:  330-332-4021

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Click HERE for Memorial Contribution Form (Adobe PDF Document)


Salem Community Foundation  ·  Serving the Salem area since 1966