A. Franklin Huber Fund (2007): | Ten percent of income to Salem’s Salvation Army, two percent to SAFCO, and eighty-eight percent Salem Community Foundation directed. |
Albert and Ethel Parker Memorial Fund (1983): | Unrestricted fund. |
Albert Morris Family Fund (2006): | Foundation directed. |
Anderson Family Fund (2001): | Income to be used to assist Salem High School graduating seniors in the pursuit of higher education or medical / vocational training. |
Ann Dattilio "Be The Difference With A Giving Heart" Memorial Fund. (2022): | Income to provide scholarships to students pursuing an education in Licensed Practical Nursing at the Hannah E. Mullins School of Practical Nursing. |
Avanell E. Beck Scholarship Fund (1992): | Income to be used to assist college students in the pursuit of higher education. |
Bernice Monter Memorial Fund (2022): | Foundation directed. |
Betty R. Ulicny Scholarship Fund (1999): | Income to provide scholarships to college students pursuing a career in teaching or journalism. |
Bing Newton "Make a Difference" Scholarship Fund (2022): | Donor advised. |
Bonnie Lee Burson - George Ursu Jr. Memorial Fund (1971): | Income to be awarded to a Salem High School senior girl or boy who demonstrate the most responsible citizenship, courtesy and safety. |
Boy Scout Troop #3 Fund (2003): | For the support of Boy Scout Troop #3 - First Presbyterian Church. |
Boy Scout Troop 2006 and Pack 2006 Fund (2021): | For the support of Boy Scout Troop 2006 and Pack 2006 - Emmanuel Lutheran Church. |
Bruce P. and Eileen J. Gordon Scholarship Fund (2010): | Income to provide scholarships for Kent State University at Salem students. |
Butech Bliss Technology Endowment Fund (2018): | Donor advised. |
Caplan / Bloomberg Fund (1983): | Unrestricted fund. |
Charles Burchfield Art Scholarship Fund (1982): | Income to provide scholarships to talented students pursuing an education in the field of art. |
Charles E. Williams Memorial Fund (1983): | Income to be awarded by the Salem Community Theatre to graduating high school senior who has shown strong interest in performing arts. |
Charles F. Fox Memorial Fund (1972): | Twenty percent of income to designated concert programs in Salem, twenty percent Salem Community Foundation directed, and sixty percent to the Salem High School Alumni Assoc. Scholarship Fund. |
Charles Mattevi Memorial Fund (1971): | Income to be awarded to an exceptional senior boy on the Salem High School basketball team and to recognize a Salem citizen supporting athletics, primarily in the area of basketball. |
Charles Philipp Wirsching Jr. Endowment Fund (2019): | Income to be awarded to Grandview Cemetery and Salem Historical Society. |
Church Women United of Salem Fund (2020): | Income to provide back-to-school clothing, shoes, and school supplies for Salem's children. |
Cindy Maher Scholarship Fund (2002): | Income to be directed to student teachers in Salem's elementary schools. |
Clarence P. Trotter Memorial Fund (1990): | Unrestricted fund. |
Corinne Mackall Scholarship Fund (2008): | Income to be awarded by the Salem Music Study Club for talented students deserving of further music training. |
Daniel K. Crawford Memorial Scholarship Fund (2021): | Income to provide scholarships for students enrolled in the Leetonia Exempted Village School District. |
Dean Hansell Training Scholarship Fund (2019): | To provide educational funding to expand the employment opportunities for Salem High School graduates of any age who have been accepted into an apprenticeship, vocational, technical, or credential program. |
Deming Memorial Fund (1979): | Unrestricted fund. |
Dick Paxson Memorial Girls Basketball Scholarship Fund (1996): | Income to be awarded to an exceptional senior girl on the Salem High School basketball team. |
Don and Helen Vincent Memorial Fund (2008): | Unrestricted fund. |
Donald Lee Sobotka Memorial Fund (2022): | Donor advised. |
Doris Tetlow Memorial Fund (1983): | Unrestricted fund. |
Dorothy Vaughan Scholarship Fund (2005): | Income to be awarded by the Salem Music Study Club for talented students deserving of further music training. |
Dr. Carl J. and Caroline Lehwald Memorial Fund (1975): | Income to be awarded to Grandview Cemetery, First United Methodist Church, or Salem Historical Society. |
Dr. Harold F. Hoprich Scholarship Fund (1977): | Income to be awarded to the Salem High School valedictorian. |
Dr. Thomas B. Johnson Memorial Fund (2016): | Foundation directed. |
Dustin Huffman Memorial Scholarship Fund (2023): | Donor advised. |
E. M. Stephenson Memorial Fund (1968): | Unrestricted fund. |
Elizabeth and Raymond Pearce Memorial Fund (1968): | Unrestricted fund. |
Elizabeth Y. Johnson Memorial Fund (2019): | Foundation directed. |
Elsie Fernengel Smith Memorial Fund (1975): | Unrestricted fund. |
Ernst P. Schaefer Memorial Fund (2002): | Income to provide wellness assistance to qualified individuals at the Salem Community Center. |
Evelyn Lease Fund (1969): | Foundation directed. |
Flor and Elba Navarro Scholarship Fund (2019): | Income to provide scholarships for Kent State University at Salem students. |
Florence C. Schafer Memorial Fund (2014): | Foundation directed. |
Floyd W. McKee Memorial Fund (1973): | Unrestricted fund. |
Frank M. and Dorothy M. Faulk Memorial Fund #1 (2017): | Foundation directed. |
Frank M. and Dorothy M. Faulk Memorial Fund #2 (2017): | Foundation directed. |
Fraternal Order of Police Quaker Lodge #88 Fund (2024): | For the support of the Fraternal Order of Police Quaker Lodge #88. |
Frederick K. and Jaydee Pamer Fund (2024): | Donor advised. |
Friends of the Children Fund (1996): | Income to be directed for the upkeep of the Swings-N-Things playground. |
Gary E. and Wilma L. Moffett Fund (2015): | Donor advised. |
General and Memorial Fund (1966): | Unrestricted fund. |
George and Jeanette Emeny Endowment Fund (1995): | Foundation directed. |
Gingerbread Day Fund (2011): | For the support of Gingerbread Day. |
Gladys M. Early Memorial Fund (1998): | Unrestricted fund. |
Gladys Thomas Nursing Scholarship Fund (1991): | Income to provide scholarships to students pursuing an education in Licensed Practical Nursing at the Hannah E. Mullins School of Practical Nursing. |
Gordon - Stanley Preserve Salem Endowment Fund (2015): | Donor advised. |
Hanover Township Historical Society Fund (2020): | To fulfill the mission of the Hanover Township Historical Society. |
Hanoverton Presbyterian Church General Fund (2019): | For the support of the Hanoverton Presbyterian Church. |
Hanoverton Presbyterian Church Memorial Fund (2019): | For the support of the Hanoverton Presbyterian Church. |
Hansell Family Fund (1977): | Donor advised. |
Harry W. and Bessie L. Young Memorial Fund (1985): | Twenty percent of income designated to the Salem High School Alumni Association Scholarship Fund and eighty percent Salem Community Foundation directed. |
Hart / Litty Scholarship Fund (2001): | Income to provide scholarships to college students in the pursuit of higher education. |
Hauptkorn - Salem Rotary Club Children's Fund (1988): | Income to be used by the Salem Rotary Club to support their children's programs. |
Henry F. and Mary Lou Loudon Fund (1989): | Donor advised. |
Herbert J. Hansell Scholarship Fund for Public Service (2015): | Income to provide scholarships to college students pursuing a career in public service. |
Howard E. and Eleanor A. Jesko Memorial Fund (1983): | Donor advised. |
Humane Society of Columbiana County Fund (2016): | To fulfill the mission of the Humane Society of Columbiana County. |
Ila Jeanne Paxson Music Scholarship Fund (2020): | Income to be awarded to talented students deserving of further music training. |
J. Robert Sebo Fund (1999): | Donor advised. |
Jackie Hannay Memorial Scholarship Fund (2022): | Income to be awarded to a Salem area graduating high school senior pursing a degree in Early Childhood Education. |
Jacqueline E. Troll Memorial Fund (2015): | Foundation directed. |
James H. Wilson Memorial Fund (1967): | Income to be awarded to the "Highest Academic" and "Best All Around" nursing students at the Hannah E. Mullins School of Practical Nursing. |
James W. Gibbs Scholarship Fund (2021): | Income to provide scholarships for Kent State University at Salem students. |
Joanne Fowler Memorial Nursing Scholarship Fund (2022): | Income to be awarded to nursing students at the Hannah E. Mullins School of Practical Nursing. |
John E. and Joetta W. Tonti Memorial Fund (2023): | Donor advised. |
Jonathan Gamble Memorial Scholarship Fund (2017): | Income to be awarded by the Winona Fire Department to a high school senior or college student. |
Joseph P. and Donna J. Sedzmak Fund (2007): | Donor advised. |
Karen "Momma Hip" Hippely Memorial Scholarship Fund (2022): | Income to be awarded to an exceptional senior girl on the softball team and boy on the baseball team at Salem High School and West Branch High School. |
Karen Hummer Memorial Scholarship Fund (2023): | Donor advised. |
Karen Wendling Sebo Fund (2016): | Donor advised. |
Kenneth U. and Ruth H. Wirtz Memorial Fund (1987): | Income to be directed to Centennial Park, Salem Worlds War Memorial Building, and Salem Community Center. |
Kent State Salem Campus Advisory Board Scholarship Fund (2020): | Income to provide scholarships for Kent State University at Salem students. |
Kim and Ashley Bergman Memorial Fund (2020): | Donor advised. |
Krohne Scholarship Fund (2024): | Income to be used specifically for underprivileged children. |
LeAnne E. Zimmann and Family Memorial Fund (1992): | Unrestricted fund. |
Lou Slaby Scholarship Fund (2018): | Income to be awarded to Salem High School students active in the arts and athletics. |
Louis H. and Maude S. Brush Memorial Fund (1968): | Unrestricted fund. |
Louis Mattevi Memorial Fund (1975): | Foundation directed. |
Lowell Iden - Larry Iler Scholarship Fund (2022): | Income to be awarded to students with a major field of study in agriculture, biology, wildlife conservation, environmental science, and / or personal commitment to outdoor sports and shooting activities. This fund is sponsored by the Salem Hunting Club. |
Lyle and Mary Biehler Scholarship Fund (1993): | Income to be used to assist college students in the pursuit of higher education. |
Mary Byers Howett Memorial Fund (1978): | Income to provide scholarships for Kent State University at Salem students. |
Matt A. and Bernice E. Melitschka Fund (2008): | Foundation directed. |
Matt and Debbie Butts Service Fund (2018): | Donor advised. |
Ministerial Scholarship Fund (2008): | Income to provide scholarships to college students pursuing a career in ministry. |
Mona McArtor Fund (1978): | Income to support the SAFCO program by providing food for Salem's children. |
MWC Scholarship Fund (2021): | Donor advised. |
Nestic Family Fund (2020): | Donor advised. |
NEW Scholarship Fund (2018): | Donor advised. |
Olive Tetlow Memorial Fund (1983): | Unrestricted fund. |
Pearce Mobile Meals Fund (1983): | Income to support the Pearce Mobile Meals program for elderly and shut-ins. |
Police and Firefighters Benefit Fund (2018): | For the support of individuals serving with area police and fire departments. |
Ralph J. Smith Memorial Fund (2010): | Income to be directed to Waterworth Memorial Park. |
Raymond J. Reasbeck Memorial Fund (1982): | Income to be used to promote amateur sports and/or construction and maintenance of public recreation facilities. |
Rebecca H. Knowlton Memorial Fund (1968): | Unrestricted fund. |
Richard Washinko Memorial Scholarship Fund (2018): | Income to be awarded to a Salem High School graduating senior. |
Robert L. "Bob" Sommers Memorial Golf Scholarship Fund (2021): | Income to be awarded to a senior boy or girl on the Salem High School golf team. |
Roger and Doris Stitle Memorial Maintenance Fund (2021): | For the support of the Salem Community Center. |
Roger and Doris Stitle Memorial Replacement Fund (2021): | For the support of the Salem Community Center. |
SAFCO Fund (1967): | To fulfill the mission of SAFCO (Salem Area Food For Children and Others). |
Sal and Alma Apicella Fund (2000): | Donor advised. |
Salem Area Amateur Radio Association Fund (2021): | Income to provide amateur radio activities, materials, equipment, training, and / or information in Columbiana County and locations within a 15-mile radius of Salem. |
Salem Area Chamber of Commerce Fund (2022): | To fulfill the mission of the Salem Area Chamber of Commerce. |
Salem Athletic Booster Club Fund (2023): | For the support of the Salem Athletic Booster Club. |
Salem City Schools Scholarship Fund (2015): | Income to provide scholarships to students enrolled in the Salem City School District. |
Salem City Schools Scholarship Fund - O.E.S. (2020): | Income to be awarded to two Salem High School graduating seniors. |
Salem City Schools Scholarship Fund - Tonya Mae Leyman / Judy Sicilia Scholarship (2015): | Income to be awarded to a Salem High School graduating senior. |
Salem Community Center Endowment Fund (K) (2000): | To support operation and maintenance of Salem Community Center. |
Salem Community Center Endowment Fund (P) (2000): | To support operation and maintenance of Salem Community Center. |
Salem Community Center Operating Fund (2001): | For the support of the Salem Community Center. |
Salem Community Foundation Legacy Fund (2021): | Foundation directed. |
Salem Community Foundation Operating Fund (2019): | Foundation directed. |
Salem Community Foundation Scholarship Fund (1991): | Scholarships are awarded to college students who meet requirements. Established from the combined funds of George Theiss, Paul and Olive Young Astry, Joseph G. Smith, Zella C. Litty, Louise C. Bunn, Salem Scholarship Fund, Freda S. Sweitzer, Russell B. McArtor, C. Harold Musser, Ethel B. Beall, Anna L. Thomas, F. Robert Mathews, L. Raymond Maurer, Mary Ellen Pizzino, and the Corso family. |
Salem Community Pantry Fund (2020): | To fulfill the mission of the Salem Community Pantry. |
Salem Community Theatre Endowment Fund (2001): | For the support of the Salem Community Theatre. |
Salem Elks Caring and Sharing Fund (2018): | Donor advised. |
Salem Federation of Women's Clubs Smucker House Fund (2022): | For the support of the maintenance and upkeep of the Smucker House. |
Salem Garden Club Fund (2004): | Income to be directed to the City of Salem's Parks and Recreation Department to beautify Salem's parks. |
Salem Hall of Fame Fund (2002): | Income to be directed to wellness programs at the Salem Community Center. |
Salem High School Alumni Association - Max M. Fisher Athletic Scholarship Fund (2016): | Income designated to the Max M. Fisher Athletic Scholarship awarded by the Salem High School Alumni Association. |
Salem High School Class of 1978 Scholarship Fund (2023): | Donor advised. |
Salem Historical Society Inc. Endowment Fund (2014): | To fulfill the mission of the Salem Historical Society. |
Salem Label / Menegos Fund (1994): | Income to be used to assist college students in the pursuit of higher education. |
Salem Police Department K-9 Fund (2015): | For the support of the Salem Police Department K-9 program. |
Salem Preservation Society Fund (2024): | For the support of the Salem Preservation Society. |
Salem Youth Soccer League Endowment Fund (2014): | For the support of Youth Soccer League. |
Sam and Bernice Keener Scholarship Fund (1991): | Income to be used to assist college students in the pursuit of higher education. |
Samantha Lynn "Sam" Shasteen Memorial Fund (2021): | Donor advised. |
SCC General Fund (2014): | For the support of the Salem Community Center. |
Summer Concert Fund (2013): | For the support of the Summer Concert Series. |
T. Emerson Smith Memorial Fund (1975): | Unrestricted fund. |
Teddy Lease Keen Memorial Fund (1997): | Income to be directed to the Banquet in Salem to purchase books for children. |
The Baer Family Fund (2024): | Donor advised. |
The Banquet in Salem Fund (2015): | To fulfill the mission of the Banquet in Salem. |
The Brightside Project Fund (2022): | To fulfill the mission of The Brightside Project. |
The Dawes Family Charitable Fund (2022): | Donor advised. |
The ROC of Salem Fund (2012): | To fulfill the mission of the ROC of Salem. |
The Salem Rotary Endowment Fund (2017): | To fulfill the mission of the Salem Rotary Foundation. |
The Wildflower Fund (2021): | Donor advised. |
Thomas E. and Doris I. Miller Memorial Fund (1981): | Unrestricted fund. |
Timothy S. and Melissa J. Costa Fund (2021): | Donor advised. |
Tom and Carol Patterson Family Trust Fund (2022): | Donor advised. |
Troop 2002 Trail Life USA Fund (2022): | For the support of Trail Life Troop 2002 - First Methodist Church of Salem. |
United Community Scholarship Fund (2017): | To fulfill the mission of the United Community Scholarship Foundation. |
V. Esther Odoran Memorial Music Fund (1974): | Income to be awarded by the Salem Music Study Club for talented students deserving of further vocal training. |
Vange Firestone Memorial Fund (2016): | Foundation directed. |
Walter B. Null Memorial Fund (1986): | Unrestricted fund. |
Wayne T. Darling Family Fund (2005): | Foundation directed. |
William T. and Pauline M. McKarns Family Fund (2020): | Donor advised |
Winona Area Historical Society Restricted Fund (2016): | To fulfill the mission of the Winona Area Historical Society. |
Winona Flax Scutching Festival Association Inc. Fund (2017): | For the support of the Winona Flax Scutching Festival. |
Winona Ruritan Club Fund (2016): | To fulfill the mission of the Winona Ruritan Club. |
Wise Family Fund (2020): | Donor advised. |
YMG Charity Fund (2014): | Donor advised. |
YWCA Endowment Fund (1996): | Income to be directed to organizations supporting the needs of women and children. |